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Rolling Ringing – St George's Day 2016

For many years bands of ringers in towers across England have participated in Ringing for England  on St George's Day. This year St George's Day (23rd April) is on a Saturday and the towers  within Sonning Deanery Branch will take part of a 'Rolling Ring' – throughout the morning it should be possible to hear the sound of ringing somewhere in the area.

23rd April 2016 is also the anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare, who has a special place in English culture, so the day is double special, and some of the ringing will also commemorate this anniversary.

The plan for the day is:

Time Tower Notes
10.00 - 10.45 Sonning  
11.00 - 11.45 Waltham St Lawrence  
11.00 - 12.00 Easthampstead Quarter peal*
12.00 - 12.45 Wargrave  
13.00 - 14.00 Wokingham, All Saints Quarter peal*

* – Ringing at these towers will include a quarter peal – a continuous performance rung without a break that typically lasts 45 minutes,

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