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Which courses might interest you?   Let us know

Use the buttons under each description to show your degree of interest.

Then add your name and contact details at the bottom, and click 'Send now'

Rope & bell control skills
You aren't comfortable on a rope, find it hard to control your bell or to ring different bells, or ringing is uncomfortable It will help you to:
Understand any problems and how to make improvements
Yes please    Maybe in future    Not needed    Unsure
Raising and lowering techniques
You have difficulty getting a bell up or down . It will help you to:
Understand what limits your current performance and how to make improvement
Yes please   Maybe in future    Not needed    Unsure
Raising and lowering in peal
You can already raise & lower a single bell without difficulty. It will help you to:
Take part in routine raising & lowering in peal.
Yes please    Maybe in future    Not needed    Unsure
Leading up and down in peal
You can already raise & lower in peal without difficulty. It will help you to:
Be more confident to lead normal raising & lowering.
Yes please    Maybe in future    Not needed    Unsure
Listening skills
You can't hear whether you are striking accurately. It will help you to:
Be aware of your listening skills
Listen more effectively in the tower.
Yes please    Maybe in future    Not needed    Unsure
Ring with a simulator
You would like to ring more accurately (and a chance to take part in perfect ringing). It will help you to:
Be more confident in your rhythm and listening.
Yes please    Maybe in future    Not needed    Unsure
Striking practice
You would like to improve your striking but aren't sure how, (See report.) It will help you to:
Know how good your striking is
See where it is less good
Measure your improvement
Yes please    Maybe in future    Not needed    Unsure
Elementary bob calling
You can ring methods but do not call, or you lack confidence calling. It will help you to:
Call basic touches
Yes please   Maybe in future   Not needed    Unsure
You can call simple touches and would like to be able to correct simple mistakes. It will help you to:
Understand conducting
Call touches more confidently.
Yes please   Maybe in future   Not needed   Unsure
How to learn a method
You can ring simple methods but find learning new methods hard and/or you get lost if you make a slip. It will help you to:
Ring different methods more confidently
Yes please   Maybe in future   Not needed   Unsure
Heavy bell control
You can ring mid-weight bells and would like to ring heavy bells (or your tower needs more 'back enders'). It will help you to:
Control heavier bells with less effort.
Yes please   Maybe in future   Not needed   Unsure
Rope splicing
You would like to be able to splice. It will help you to:
Repair a rope with a short splice.
Yes please   Maybe in future   Not needed   Unsure
Tower maintenance
You are interested in bell mechanics and/or your tower needs a steeple-keeper. It will help you to:
Understand a bell installation and know how to keep it in good order
Yes please   Maybe in future   Not needed   Unsure
Change ringing in hand
You would like to try change ringing on handbells. It will give you:
A taste of what handbell ringing is like. (To become proficient you need to join a local group for regular practice)
Yes please   Maybe in future   Not needed   Unsure
Teaching bell handling
You would like to teach new ringers or your tower needs someone able to teach. It will help you to:
Understand teaching
Teach more confidently
(after a course plus mentored period of teaching )
Yes please    Maybe in future   Not needed   Unsure

If you have any training needs not covered above, please say what here

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For any other queries, please contact us .

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